
Yes the raptor was literally a dragon that just couldn't fly. This is just one of the amazing things you will discover from taking your vacation to the past especially if you choose to take your vacation in the time of the dinosaurs. Surprisingly the raptor seen here was the most dominate dinosaur of all time. The tyrannosaurus rex was no match for the raptor these pack hunters would surround the helpless T rex. Open there mouth and spew forth  fire that reaches to a temperature of up to 638 degrees and in rare instances an elite raptor can get as high as 793 degrees. So the raptors would cook there prey. As the raptors developed this skill they learned to make quite a tasty meal for themselves. They would burn the prey just enough (after trail and error) to have a well cooked meal much like you and I enjoy today. The raptors would burn the prey until the skin would crisp and then slowly let there victim would burn alive. Then they would wait about one hour to cook depending on altitude  and even add there spices to there meal. The raptors even would have a nice dinner conversation during there meal. surprisingly these killers were very civilized.